A Quick Guide to Care Packages for Women

When you’re putting together a care package for a woman, think about things that people cannot live without. You can also include items that will help cheer them up and inspire them to do the best they can. The individuals receiving these packages need help, so do your best to provide it. Here is a quick guide to care packages for women to get you started.

Food and Snacks

Nourishment is vital, and many women go long periods without a decent meal. If you can afford to, include high-protein snacks to keep them going between meals. Nuts and dried goods are always a good option because they keep well.

Self-Care Kits

Everyone needs access to personal hygiene. You can donate wholesale handbags for women full of hygiene products to benefit those without access. Hygiene is a must for anyone who needs a care package and should be the standard. Hygiene products benefit people’s health and can help someone feel better about themselves. If they are on their way to an interview, feeling fresh and clean with a new handbag will help them be at their best.

Phone and Gift Cards

Not everyone has a cell phone, so consider putting phone cards in your care packages. They can save these cards for emergencies or business calls. Gift cards are also a great resource that will not expire. Gift cards to the grocery store or pharmacy are great additions to care packages.

Candles and Photo Prints

The warmth of a candle will make anyone feel at home and comfortable. It’s hard to find comfort when you’re down and out and the odds are against you. A candle and a few photos to look at can make all the difference to cheer someone up. When you’re choosing photos, find something artistic and cheerful that won’t bring someone down, and they can place it near their candle.

Low-Maintenance Plant

Plants give people something to take care of and nurture. This provides hope, much like the comfort of a candle and photos to look at when things seem bleak. A plant is a great gift to help someone cultivate their time to meditate on what is most important to them.

Now that we have discussed what to include in care packages for women, you should have a good idea of what you can gather to help someone through a hard time. This doesn’t cover everything, but it is a good start!