While you can always donate school supplies directly to a school when they put on a drive, there are several different ways to donate school supplies. In fact, there are many ways you may not initially consider. To fully round out your giving options, read this brief guide on all the organizations you can support to enable kids’ educational journeys.
Connect With Your Library
Your local library is a hub of community resources—computers for the device-less, job resources for the unemployed, books for the entire community, and much more. Another function of libraries is organizing school supply drives. It’s not uncommon for libraries to hold perpetual supply drives and these often focus on school supplies. If not, keep an eye on library emails or bulletins for upcoming drives; these are great opportunities to donate. If you want more info, you can always call up your library and ask about donating.
Donate Through Your Place of Worship
Another common venue for school supply donation is your place of worship. Churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, and others typically put on programs to reach out and invest in their surrounding area. If you’re a member somewhere, talk to a pastor or leader about whether they have a donation structure in place. If you have enough sway, you can even suggest they start a supply drive.
Connect With a Charity
Another way to donate school supplies is through a charity or foundation. There are hundreds of these organizations centered on bettering community educational outcomes. The best part of charities’ programs is they uniquely target specific demographics, so you can donate to kids who really need the help, even if they’re far away. These school supply drives can even be international, giving you a worldwide reach.
Organize a Supply Drive Yourself
If all else fails, consider organizing a supply drive yourself. This allows you to focus on the school or group you see a need for and create a program out of nothing. If you do so with the backing of friends and family, you’ll absolutely make a difference. As you advertise for it, it may even take off and donors could surprise you with their generosity.
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